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"You want your shop to succeed. You need help. Well, here’s your Coach”.

-- 10 Essentials of Automotive Management to Accelerate Your Success.


Meet Danny. Danny is a lot like you. Danny went from talented mechanic to shop owner in pursuit of a dream. In reality, Danny’s dream is turning into a nightmare. Deep down, Danny knows that he can fix this too, but he is going to need some help.


Along comes Bob Depontes and this easily understood book, providing leadership and shop management advice for those who think they can’t afford a hired consultant. Bob has over 40-yrs experience, from US military intelligence to successful automotive repair shop management. Bob teaches Danny the ten lessons necessary to proactively -- not reactively, accelerate the growth of his shop.


Until you are ready to hire a management consultant, read Bob’s book and keep it handy. Whenever Leadership, Team, Marketing, or other critical issues need more attention, refer back to this book.


You can’t know or do it all on your own, and your dream is at stake. Learn from Danny and Bob.


Joseph M. Henmueller,


President Emeritus, Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association and the Motorist Assurance Program.  Retail automotive service provider management for more than forty years.

Take your Auto Shop to the next level

Great American success stories start with talented and driven people that risk it all for a personal vision of excellence.  Great people are not always satisfied with a job.  They want to own a shop that is a “State of Art” one that provides excellent service and great careers.  The hero of this story is the owner, or CEO, Chief Everything Officer.  Willing to do whatever it takes.  Endless hours and huge sacrifice at all levels will pay huge dividends in the future. 

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Our process of Improvement for your shop is simple.  We help you achieve your business goals with this easy 3 step process.


Shop Vision & Evaluation

Opportunities and Plans for Improvement

Make it Permanent

Pursuing the American Dream

AME is focused on improving local shops.  We offer Web Based Nationwide Auto Shop Consulting at your direction.  Our goal is to provide world class consulting that is customized to your individual market and shop. Our services are easy to utilize and do not require you to travel and leave your shop understaffed.

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